How much do you need to implement a PR campaign?
Many people new to the idea of PR are often surprised at the cost of this so called ‘free publicity’.
After all, free means free, right?.. read on
A friend of my father owned a cake making company many years ago and tried to get one of his products into Manchester’s flagship department store Kendals (yes it was a while back)... read on
“It’s more important to do the right things than to do things right.”
This was my takeaway from an away day event with a client company many years ago... read on
Back in the 1990s PR was, arguably, enjoying its heyday – it was very much in vogue, it was a prominent feature of film and TV storylines, and social media hadn’t got going... read on
There’s an old joke about a motorist lost in the countryside, who sees a local by the side of the road and stops to ask for directions. “Do you know how to get to such and such a place?” enquires the driver... read on
Public relations or PR has been called many things over the years.
For example, the Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR) defines PR as:.. read on
It’s official, the PR industry is dead.
You can just use AI to generate your PR stories and articles.
Come on down ChatGPT and Bard, your time is now.
It’s not that simple. It never is... read on