Excel Fibre
'Read All About It'
What happened
The red tops went down a storm – helped by some guerrilla activity setting up ‘pop-up’ news stands in busy sections of the hall – food outlets, coffee bars…
And the stand…
Looked great.
Who, what, how
Niche, but very good product. Massive industry exhibition. Small shell stand. You know the thing:
3m x 3m floor area, three sides of white panel walls and a fascia board with your company name on it.
Client: “Can you make us six graphics panels with bullet points about us and our products.
“Also we want six bags of product and tables with literature.”
Us: "It won't grab people."
Client: “Well what then?”
Us: "Think about what you make."
Client: “We make insulation from recycled newspaper.” (that’s Warmcel)
Us: "Exactly."
"So, wallpaper the walls of the stand in newspaper."
"Use huge, 3-D lettering to display the company name and your product brand"
"It'll look great."
"Create your own newspaper – red top tabloid style – with stories about your products and what they are doing."
Client: "Why red top?"
Us: "We can have more fun with the headlines. Draw people in. Use short. easy-to-read stories. You can’t help yourself but read the whole thing."
‘Warmcel Saves Planet’ ★ ‘Twisted Firestarter Faces Disappointment’ ★ ‘Romanicng the Home’ (story about Mills and Boon books turned into insulation).
"Call it ‘The Eco’" (geddit?)
Client: "Like it, let’s do it."
Do it we did.