F. Ball and Co. Ltd.
F-Talk sets the agenda
The brief
To create a direct communications channel between F. Ball and its customers ★ Running alongside F. Ball’s established media relations activity, the new channel would enable the company to talk directly to wholesalers and end users ★ Set its own media agenda, get product and company news to contractors more quickly, and provide a further opportunity for the company to engage with the end users of its products.
What happened
★ F-Talk was well-received from the first issue. Email alerts are opened by an average of 30% of recipients (industry average is 16%). A click-through rate of 6.5% compares favourably to an industry average of 1.7%. This means that 25% of everybody who reads the teaser email then goes on to read at least one or more stories from each F-Talk issue.
★ Analysing the most clicked stories and monitoring the traffic flow thought the magazine enables the editorial team to adjust the content type to reflect the tastes and preferences of the readership, ensuring stories are in tune with what contractors want to read and contributing to a natural evolution of the format.
★ The magazine has also provided F. Ball with the opportunity to improve its engagement with contractors and its network of wholesalers; offering them a platform within the magazine and featuring a social media review of contractors’ positive experiences with the company’s products.
Read F-Talk here.
Who, what, how
Triangle created F-Ball’s own online e-magazine, ‘F-Talk’, hosted on a specialist web publishing platform ★ Issued monthly to F. Ball’s extensive contractor and wholesaler database ★ F-Talk features a mix of product news, ‘tech talk’, top tips, and interviews with prominent industry people ★ Archived issues can be accessed via the e-magazine website, with stories ‘tagged’ by type and topic for easy reference ★ As each issue is published, F-Talk subscribers are alerted by an email featuring story 'teasers', with click-through links to read the full articles.